The firm has kept or raised its positions in most categories, and has been ranked for the first time in 11 categories.
Listed below are the firm’s best ratings.
Leading practices
- Band 1
- Antitrust: consulting
- Capital markets
- Foreign trade
- Compliance
- Corporate law: international M&A — high-end
- Corporate law: Russian M&A — high-end
- International commercial arbitration
- PPP/infrastructure projects
- Sanctions
- Tax: consulting
- Band 2
- Arbitration: commercial disputes — high-end
- Intellectual property: consulting
- Band 1
- Agribusiness: consulting
- Banking and finance: consulting
- Manufacturing and industrials: dispute resolution
- Retail and trade, FMCG: consulting
- TMT: dispute resolution
- Transport
- Transport and logistics: consulting
- Transport and logistics: dispute resolution
- Band 2
- Energy and natural resources: consulting in natural resources
- TMT: consulting