The firm has kept its positions in most of the categories, has been upgraded in five practice areas and has entered four new categories. This year Denuo also participated in the financial and statistical rating.
Listed below are the firm’s ratings.
Federal Rating
- Group 1
- Antitrust law
- Capital markets
- Commercial real estate/construction
- Corporate law/M&A: high market
- Intellectual property: consulting
- Intellectual property: disputes
- Intellectual property: personal data protection
- International arbitration
- Land
- Maritime law
- Natural resources
- Pharmaceuticals: pharma
- PPP/infrastructure projects
- Retail, FMCG, catering
- Sanctions law
- Transport law
- Group 2
- Agro-industrial complex and agriculture
- Arbitration proceedings: high market
- Compliance
- Digital economy
- Energy
- Financial/Banking law
- Foreign trade/customs law
- Foreign trade/foreign currency regulation trade
- Intellectual property: registration
- Labour and migration law (including disputes)
- Pharmaceuticals: medicine and healthcare
- Private equity
- Tax law (tax consulting)
- TMT (telecommunications, media and technology)
Regional Rating (St Petersburg)
- Group 1
- Corporate law/M&A
- Foreign trade/customs law and foreign currency regulation trade
- Intellectual property
- Tax consulting and disputes
Financial and statistical rating
- No. 2 by revenue
- No. 4 by revenue per lawyer
- No. 8 by headcount