
08 / 10 / 2411:30am msk
Webinar 9: Legal audit of the company’s FEA function — early identification and minimisation of risks
legal updates
01 / 10 / 2024
Rospatent increases fees
By the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 18 September, the fees for the registration of intellectual rights and transactions therewith have been increased. In addition, the discount for electronic filing has been abolished and late payment will now incur a fee of double the amount. The changes will enter into force on 5 October 2024.
press releases
26 / 09 / 2024
Denuo strengthens its Finance practice with appointment of Vladimir Dragunov as a partner in Moscow
Denuo announces the appointment of Vladimir Dragunov as a partner and head of Capital Markets and Structured Finance practice. Previously, he was leading the Finance practice at Baker McKenzie in Russia. Vladimir is joining Denuo’s Moscow office with his team.
17 / 09 / 2411:30am msk
Webinar 8: Restructuring of supply and payment chains
legal updates
04 / 09 / 2024
Alternative jurisdictions for doing business: hidden pitfalls
In selecting a jurisdiction for transactions, the local tax regime and any restrictions on international money transfers must be considered, and it is important not to overlook special tax requirements and restrictions on transactions with foreign counterparties that are imposed directly by Russian law. Such special restrictions apply to transactions with countries that are “blacklisted” by the Russian Ministry of Finance (Minfin), the Central Bank, the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Financial Monitoring Service. Our team summarizes the restrictions (largely tax-related) that may be imposed on businesses that are residents of blacklisted countries.
legal updates
04 / 09 / 2024
Current issues in including design and engineering costs in the value of imported equipment
When determining the customs value of production equipment imported into Russia, questions often arise in practice as to whether it is possible to include the design and engineering costs in the customs value. Such costs may have a significant impact on the total amount of customs duties payable, so it is important to understand when and under what conditions they should be included in the customs value of equipment.

legal updates
03 / 09 / 2024
Amendments to laws on joint stock companies and limited liability companies effective 1 September 2024
Amendments to laws on joint stock companies and limited liability companies have become effective as of 1 September 2024. These amendments, in particular, introduce mandatory notarisation of resolutions on the election of the company’s general director, and regulate the suspension of dividend payments to “lost shareholders”, the forms of general meetings of participants/shareholders, etc.
legal updates
26 / 08 / 2024
Not just bloggers: new rules for mobile operators and mobile subscribers
Earlier in August the Russian President signed Federal Law No. 303-FZ “On Amending the Federal Law ‘On Communications’ and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, which also introduces significant changes to the activities of mobile operators.
legal updates
22 / 08 / 2024
Orphan objects of copyright (neighbouring rights)
On 22 July 2024, Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On Amendments to Part Four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation” dated 22 July 2024 was adopted, establishing the legal regulation of ‘orphan’ works.
legal updates
21 / 08 / 2024
Not just bloggers: new rules for messengers and social networks
On 8 August 2024, the Russian President signed a law imposing new obligations on the owners and users of messengers and social networks.