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Denuo participates in 2024 charity Legal Run

press releases
19 / 06 / 2024
For the eighth consecutive year, Denuo’s team has taken part in the International Charity Legal Run. The donations collected during the series of events were transferred to support the Podari Zhizn charity foundation which helps children, teenagers and young adults up to the age of 25 with various forms of cancer, serious blood disorders and other life-threatening diseases.

For the first time in three years, instead of individual flash mobs the Legal Run organising committee decided to arrange full-scale events in different cities and countries. The Moscow race took place on 18 May in Meshchersky Park, and the St Petersburg team raced on 8 June in Primorsky Victory Park.

In 2024, over 20 Denuo employees took part in the Legal Run and Ekaterina Novikova, St Petersburg office’s project coordinator, won the 2.5-kilometre race among women.

Since 2014, Legal Run has been bringing together representatives of the professional community of lawyers from all over the world to support projects of the Podari Zhizn foundation and several regional charity foundations. Every year Russian and foreign law firms, bar associations, in-house legal departments, and students and professors of university law departments take part in the races held in various cities all over the world.

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