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Real estate in Dubai: market specifics and legal aspects

06 / 02 / 24 11:00am GST
The international law firm Denuo (formerly the Russia/CIS offices of DLA Piper) and Nikoliers (formerly operating under the Colliers brand in Russia) are glad to invite to you to join our webinar on real estate issues in the UAE.

Over a couple of years, the number of Russian companies expanding their business on the international markets, especially in the Middle East, has increased significantly. Of all regions the most attractive in this sense is Dubai as this is an actively developing hub that offers advantageous conditions for investing and doing business in a variety of areas, including real estate.

Detailed programme is outlined below.


  • Branded residential and the upfront planning issues to consider

  • Specifics of commercial leases in Dubai

  • Activity of Russian companies in the UAE (retailers and developers)

  • Q&A session


Scott Antel
Scott Antel Partner View profile
Maryana Kabakova
Maryana Kabakova Senior Associate View profile
Andrey Kosarev
Andrey Kosarev Partner Nikoliers
Vladimir Kalikin
Vladimir Kalikin Commercial Director for Real Estate Nikoliers