
legal updates
14 / 08 / 2024
Russia introduces law on anonymised datasets
On 8 August 2024, the President of the Russian Federation signed a law that creates a mechanism for the formation of anonymised datasets from 1 September 2025.
legal updates
08 / 08 / 2024
Russia increases court fees
On 8 August 2024, a law increasing court hearing fees was adopted. This is the first significant indexation of court fees in more than a decade. Our team prepared an overview of the most significant changes.
legal updates
16 / 07 / 2024
Moratorium on the compulsory repatriation (return) of funds: the judicial authorities’ position over the two years of the moratorium
In exercising their powers, the administrative authorities closely monitor the application of and compliance with the currency control regulations, including the provisions of the Presidential Decrees imposing additional temporary measures of an economic nature.
legal updates
11 / 07 / 2024
Regulation of parallel imports in 2024
Regulation of parallel imports was initially aimed at protecting the interests of rightholders and for a long time remained an important tool for intellectual property protection. However, recently its role changed significantly.
06 / 08 / 2411:30am msk
Webinar 7: Russian countermeasures
16 / 07 / 2411:30am msk
Webinar 6: How to correctly classify goods under the EAEU Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity and defend your position?
legal updates
27 / 06 / 2024
EU adopts 14th package of sanctions against Russia
On 24 June 2024, legal acts formalising the 14th package of restrictive measures (sanctions) of the European Union were published and entered into force.
legal updates
25 / 06 / 2024
Russia adopts law establishing administrative liability for violations of laws on economically significant organisations
On 22 June 2024, Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Amending to the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation” entered into force, which establishes administrative liability for violations of the laws on so-called economically significant organisations.
10 / 07 / 2410am msk
Trading with Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan in 2024
27 / 06 / 243:30pm msk
Arbitration of M&A disputes