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Our Sanctions practice

Our Sanctions team advises clients on a wide range of sanctions issues and matters. We have extensive experience with EU, Swiss, UK, US and other jurisdictional sanctions imposed against Russia, Belarus and other countries, as well as on countermeasures taken by Russia.

We also represent clients in other sanctions-related matters, including applications for licenses and clarifications from sanctions regulators, challenging sanctions, sanctions checks and proving non-sanctioned status.

Key facts and recognition

  • 2 partners
  • 5+ lawyers


Preparing and submitting applications to the sanctions authorities in Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg from a number of Russian banks, management companies and individual investors for the issuance of licences in order to unblock payments on Eurobonds, which were frozen by Clearstream and Euroclear

Advising a financial and industrial group in connection with EU, Swiss and UK sanctions against Belarus and Russia

Representing individuals in challenging EU, UK and US  blocking sanctions


  • Advice on sanctions and countermeasures

  • Sanctions checks and proof of non-sanctioned status

  • Transaction and counterparty checks, advice on transaction support and restructuring

  • Obtaining licences and clarifications from sanctions regulators

  • Challenging sanctions in administrative and judicial proceedings